October 2014 Meeting

The next meeting will be held on October 9, 2014 at 7pm at the following location: Daryl Leonar'd clubhouse - Summit Cove Condominiums' Clubouse 8520 US Hwy 1, Micco (1/2 mile south of Micco Rd) Drive is just after Marina Cafe & across from Sebastian River Marina & Boatyard.

Monthly Meeting – November

Jane's House 1365 Lichty St. NE, Palm Bay, FL, United States

Dancing Horse Dressage monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We will have our next meeting at Jane Moody's house off  Palm Bay Road.

Monthly Meeting – December

Sandy's House 3866 Heild Road NW, Palm Bay, FL, United States

Dancing Horse Dressage monthly meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We will have our next meeting at Sandy Gillespie's house on Heild Road, this meeting will be a potluck - contact Sandy at qhhunters@cfl.rr to RSVP