Volunteer Opportunities:
We need volunteers for our shows, clinics and special projects through the year. Volunteer opportunities for shows include advance preparation and show day activities, such as set up/tear down, packet preparation, scribes, gatekeepers, runners, office staff and in the barn. To volunteer, come to a meeting or e-mail volunteercoordinator@
Volunteer Reimbursement:
If a volunteer works a minimum of 4 hours at a single show on show day (hours may be accrued by donation for hours worked on show day) and has purchased a stall for the horse they have entered in that show (either competing or non-competing), then they may submit a request for re-imbursement of the stall fee. Hours used for stall re-imbursement will not be deducted. Requests for re-imbursement should be submitted via
email to volunteercoordinator@dancinghorsedressage.org
Volunteer Tracking:
Volunteer Education:
DHD & CT Volunteer Hours: Policy for 2024
We will document and track volunteer hours on a tracking spreadsheet. The tracking spreadsheet will be posted on the website after each show or as needed with current hours for each volunteer.
Volunteer hour policies are as follows:
- All volunteers MUST sign in and out. Sign-in sheets will be in the show office or in a location designated by the event manager for other events. If it’s not on the sign-in sheet it didn’t happen, so be sure to record your volunteer time!
- Anyone can donate their volunteer hours to a rider for the purpose of year-end series awards but must declare their donation at the time the volunteer service is rendered.
- The event manager or volunteer coordinator will use the sign in sheets to update the tracking spreadsheet and provide updates for posting.
- Hours used for Year-End Awards, will be deducted.
- Hours will expire at the end of the DHD & CT membership year (Nov. 30).
- Hours will not carry over into subsequent membership years.
Show Series Awards Program
Member Rewards Program